
Friday, January 8

Green green grass and crochet for blokes

At last we've had some rain! Over the last five months we have had 18mm of rain, barely enough to keep the plants alive. Our water tank was nearly empty again, we bought a load of water a couple of months ago but a load is only about half a tank full.

We were trying to conserve water but even the dam had dried up and we were having to get water from town in forty litre drums just to keep the veggies alive.
But now we have had rain. About 150mm in the last week. The dam is overflowing and so is the tank :)

And as you can see from this photo the grass is growing again... at a phenominal rate. The longer grass in this photo was mowed 10 days ago!!! So mowing the lawn is becoming a daily chore for P. I am usually not to worried about the grass getting a bit long but a couple of days ago, after a big fall of rain I walked up the back of the property to see how much water was in the dam and I stepped on a big snake!!! AND it was not a friendly snake either. I think it was a blue-bellied black snake (which although are not considered deadly are pretty nasty!) I have never leapt so high in my life!

It did not bite me but did scare the crap out of me. And now I want the grass as short as posible so the kids can see any snakes that are around.

I tried to make a few christmas pressies this year, not as many as I would have liked, next year I'll have to be more organised.
I find it hard to think of presents for males... women just seem easier to please, they like candles and soaps and crochet things.
Then I had an idea for a crocheted beer cooler!


jaime said...

I love your stubbie cooler idea! I have been lurking here for a little while now and I thought I should say hi.
The rain has been wonderful, hasn't it?!
I live down near the Glasshouse Mountains and our tanks are overflowing, haven't encountered any snakes yet though!
Your blog is a lovely inspiring read,

Ariad said...

Hi Jamie,
Can't get enough of the rain at the moment! Isn't it nice when the tanks over-flow...for awhile you can relax about water a little :)

karisma said...

Very nice! My god, glad that snake did not bit you! I would have died. I am slowly getting braver and loving them a little but I would not want to get too close to a wild one! I tend to give them a little distance in the bush LOL.

Erin said...

Thank goodness for our rain!
And ... I think those beer cozies are a terrific idea :)

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