
Monday, December 1

Jobe's Tears

This is one of my favourite plants. Though it is hard to pick a favourite. I love 'em all. Sometimes it is known as Job's Tears and also as Chinese barley (although it is not really related to Barley)

There are two varieties. One is used as an edible grain but the one I have growing is used as a bead. The beauty of it is that the seeds have a hard outer capsule with a tiny filament through the middle. Yo pull it out and have a ready made bead with a hole to thread through already there.
When they are dry the seeds are all sorts of shades from whit through grey to black. Some have a really cool antiqued mottled look.

About nine years ago Peace and I both did Permaculture design courses. We picked some Jobe's tears from a Permaculture garden we visited. Peace made me a bracelet. Last year I found some of the unused seeds/beads still in the craft box so on a whim I planted them in the garden. I didn't expect the seeds to be viable after all this time but they were. We only got a few beads last year- enough for Mr T to make himself a bracelet. I planted a few of lat years seed and this year they have grown really well. (Maybe because of all the rain we've had.)

Soon we will be able to do some crafting again!
I had to include this photo of the puppy trying to be so good with the new baby chick. She was sitting so nicely but was barely containibg her excitement...have to keep an eye on her she could swallow it in one curious lick!


MOUSE said...


karisma said...

ONG! Ariad! I have been trying to find this plant for years! Once upon a time, many years ago, my MIL gave me a seed, for this purpose, the beads! Cameragirl has been begging me to find it again and I had to admit I had absolutely no idea what it was! She has fond memories of making bracelets when she was little! Oh please, please, please send me a little seed for her! It would make the ultimate best xmas gift for my girl!

If you are willing to share please email me and I will send my addy!

hippymummy said...

I've never heard of this plant before, how amazing! I wonder if i could get it over here? Do you think that it'd grow in my country? Thanks Ariad, you've inspired me!
Oh yeah, what a good puppy you have! Sooo cute! I love puppies, **note to self...NO MORE PETS!!!** i'm not showin the kids this picture, they want hens - after i refused ducks on the rounds that we have no pond, Doh! - and i son't need anythin to encourae that desire thanks!Lol!! Thanks hun xXx

Jodi said...

Beautiful plant ans how special that it grew from a love bracelet. Love your little chick too

Anne said...

Wow, I haven't heard of this plant before.
Do you know where can you get the seeds? I would love to grow some.:)

karen said...

what a cool plant, i think if i had one it would be my favourute too!!! so cute your puppy and chicks, i have chicks and a cat but im not sure i could leave them together long enough to take a photo lol:)

Ariad said...

Hi mouse. We haven't thought of a name yet. Any suggestions?
K. I'd be happy to send you some seeds.

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