
Sunday, November 30

O, Christmas Tree...

Today Rain went to her new friend's house for a play. It was very exciting for her as she is a very social girl and it was nice for her to meet someone who lives quite close. They got on really well and Rain informed me that they were normal people who hardly ever wear shoes like us!

Zan came back from his Dads house after having a good time over the weekend.

Mr T helped Peace paint a chalk board inside the cubby house yesterday and today the paint was dry enough to try it out. He loved it as he has a penchant for drawing on walls (usually ones in the house!) Perhaps this will give him somewhere else to draw. LOL. Later he helped me bake a cake but he was very excited all day because he knew when Zan and Rain came home we were going to decorate the Christmas Tree.

We put on the obligatory Christmas Carrolls CD (that over the next month will drive me barmy) and all helped hang the decorations.

I usually just whack the decorations on haphazardly but this was not good enough for the aesthetically minded members of the family. They decided that this year the decorating theme was blue and purple. So I stood back and watched them go. (Gently humming Frosty the Snowman to the baby)

I must admit they did a much better job than I usually do.
Yes, it's an old fashioned "REAL" Tree. Ah, love the smell of pine needles...


hippymummy said...

All this xmas preparation is making me feel quite queasy! It's approx 11 hours till december n've not made a single purchase - eek! Every year i wish that i was gifted in the crafting dept so that i could make something meaning and personal for those that i love. I wish that my crafting talents were varied enough for me to make something personal and meaningful for all my relatives.
i reckon i'd better sign off and go and look for the family spell book to see if we have any filed under xmas miracles...
Surprisigly not, back to the drawing board then.....:-(

Ariad said...

I know how you feel. I have organized nothing, purchased nothing...nothing like a good ol' panic to get you motivated...

karisma said...

Haha! I refuse to panic! I am quite blaze this year! Must be getting old! LOL! I also have not started the shopping! Bah humbug! he he! Thus far I simply cannot seem to find the time! The fake tree is still in the roof! The boys are keen to get it down. I am keen to clean up first!

Speaking of trees, I hope that one is in a pot? I just do not like the cutting down trees for xmas thing! It really irks me! We only started to have a fake one the past few years. Dh did not like xmas at all for a long time. The girls and I used to decorate my pot plant, it was so much fun. Oh how I miss those days. Xmas seemed much more meaningful!

I also have been meaning to make my own gifts for the past few years, but never seem to get the time! Maybe I should start now for next year? Might actually make it then! LOL! We did make toffees one year and dish them out as pressies, they were very well accepted. Hmmm! Maybe I should go back to simple gifts!

Genie said...

Nice tree!!! Blue and purple go well together LOL

Ours is faux.. I miss that pine smell of a real tree.

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