
Saturday, December 6


Sometimes when I'm feeling a bit grrr...When I want to complain and grump and am thinking about what I don't have then I need to consciously re-adjust my attitude and think of things to be grateful for. There are so many people out there with so much less. There are children who will not eat today so I'm thankful for...
my yummy museli, mango and banana for breakfast...

in fact all the yummy fruit at this time of year...

The flowers Peace picked me and put in my Nanna's old milk jug (white roses, elder, yarrow, wattle and purple fountain grass)...

and the hundreds of smiles I will get today...


Currawong said...

Aw, you are so right. We live an enchanted life, all of us here...

Your babes are beautiful! XX

karisma said...

A lot to be thankful for, for sure! I was very thankful to get your email today! You are a sweetie! (Well I hope it was you! LOL! I sent my addy along without even thinking about it!)

hippymummy said...

I'm with you on this one all the way. I've been feeling a bit 'Grr' myself recently and have had to pull myself up by my bootstraps and be thankful for everything that we DO have. We live the life of Queens compared to half this worlds population.I went to the doctors yestersay and lost the plot completely, cried all over her, ended up on anti depressants and am now waiting to be seen by the mental health team. I lost the plot completely and was totally unprepared for it, it all just bubbled up from nowhere. This time of year doesn't help, i often think of Jim Carey in 'The Grinch' when he talks about "the avarice never ends.....". It seems to get worse every year. When you find that desert island can we come too?

Genie said...

I needed to see this today :)

Jodi said...

oh yes we need to be grateful for what we have don't we. A yummy breakfast, flower from your man and smiles from your bubba - what more could you ask for?

karen said...

so much to be thankful for, hope you enjoy all these thing and more to brighten your day

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