The trampoline has undergone some serious transformations in the last couple of days.
Original Design
Sloped straw bale design
(deemed unsafe by the children)
Super Tramp
Flood proof Trampoline Tent
(or bouncey tree house)
I love watching how innovative and creative they can be and where a game will lead them. Even with all the lesson planning in the world I would not have come up with this!
Wonderful! Very imaginative! I also love the fact that they have so much room in which to be creative! My poor kids have a patch of concrete (thats all thats left of the backyard due to my garden taking over.
These pics are priceless! :-)
I love watching children engaged unstructured play. Its so fascinating to watch them explore and discover on their own- make mistakes, reevaluate, and try again. Not to mention, they come up with things we would never think of! lol.
What fun! Thank you for sharing!
And thank you so for the kind comment on my blog. I love the sharing, learning and inspiration that comes from this community.
What a healthy form of growth. What a world of trust when you can build it and mould things yourself. When they fail you learn what to change. When they work, you have learnt a wonderful lesson. Once again Ariad you amaze me..xx
It is so wonderful watching them. But I almost feel undeserving of any praise. I just decided to sit back and watch them take their journeys. I owe my children for all they've taught me about myself.
That may be true to some extent hun BUT your kids are only who and what they are because you instilled that faith in them in the first place. If you hadn't shown the courage of your convictions to them then it's unlikely that they would've been the confident self believing spirits that they are today. You and your kids BOTH deserve the praise and congratulations here, for one could never have achieved this without the other. Don't sell yourself short! (((HUGS)))
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