
Sunday, December 7

Today's Harvest

Yesterday was another hot one... another swim and another storm. We went to the river and played about in a canoe.

we stayed until dusk...

and more cute photos of Tui and her Daddy. (It's a little blurry but I just can't resist!)

Today more gardening. After many attempts we finally have a productive garden. Peace planted out the newest bed...

and we picked the first of the capsicums and eggplants.

Tui was looking a bit concerned about the size of this marrow! Somehow we missed this Zucchini under the leaves and it has grown to massive proportions. It was a bit big to eat but the chickens enjoyed it.

My brother brought this shopping basket up for me so I can take it 'shopping' in the garden...

I love the logo on the side...very appropriate...

Then to the kitchen to turn all that 'fresh food' into dinner (and a nice cold beer while I cook)

A bunch of fresh herbs for extra yumminess...

and a beautiful day was had by all.


karisma said...

Looks like a lovely day was had by all! I am also enjoying "picking" our dinners from the garden, everything tastes so much better!

As for the marrow, we deliberately left a couple last year, you can still eat them, just scoop out the seeds and then use the flesh and some other goodies to stuff them. (You can use rice or lentils, herbs, tomatoes, whatever you like!)

Ariad said...

Sounds yum...

Amber said...

Hahahah you are the fresh food people. More than some others promoting that...heh
I love your posts. Thanks again..xx

Amber said...

Oh yes and the daddy and baby pic is very special..xx

hippymummy said...

yeah, i reckon a trip down the garden is far nicer than a trip to sainsburys any day, and much fresher too! What a cutie pie that young lady of yours is, a proper daddies girl i can see - they always are until they want mams boobies aren't they!Lol!!
what a wonderful way to spend your days, messing around on the river (sounds like a song there doesn't it...). your kids're so lucky to lead the wonderful lives that you've provided for them, these things will remain in their hearts forever.

Genie said...

woooaahhh that's one huge zuccini.

I can't wait for my vegies to start sprouting.. they are taking forever.

Ariad said...

Thankyou, I love you guys.

karen said...

the canoing looks like like fun! what a productive garden you have, the basket is perfect, cant get fresher than straight from the ground!! happy fresh eating to you all:)your baby girl is so beautiful, who could resist a photo of her:)

Coconut Girl in a Hot Fashion World said...

hi ariad
i would just like to say thank you so much for your comment
how did you get over your E.D? was it treatments? or on your own? i've been bouncing from treatment to treatment and it's been really hard... thanks so much for your support though :)
and i really like the pictures!

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