Another kids story I wrote to read to my kids before giving birth at home to Mr T :D
Great Big Roaring Mother Earth
Shell is having a baby.
Shell is my mum. Her real name is Michelle but we all just call her Shell, like a shell you find on the beach.
Whenever her tummy tightens she makes big groaning noises like she is the whole Mother Earth rumbling with an earth quake. She says the tightenings are like waves at the beach.
I hold her hand for awhile and she smiles at me so big even though she is hurting.
I love Shell. I love our new baby too even though I haven't even seen him yet. But I've talked to him in Shell's belly and felt his little hands and feet, punching and kicking in there.
Aaron, that's my Dad, looks like he's loving her too. He's touching her face and rubbing her back and giving her kisses.
Now the midwife is telling Shell to breath deep and slow but Shell wants to get up and go into the lounge room by the fire where it's warm.
Aaron and Leah, that's the midwife, help her walk in there and I run in and get a whole bunch of cushions so she can get comfy.
And then Shell says "Our baby is coming to see us."
And the midwife says "I can see the baby's head"
And I can too.
He is so little and so cute.
Leah and Aaron bring the big mattress into the lounge room by the fire.
Me, Shell, Aaron and my new baby brother all hop into bed to cuddle.
Shell is the best Mum in the world.
And when I grow up to be a woman I'm going to be a great, big, roaring, birthing, Mother Earth too.
Beautiful story! :-)
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