
Saturday, June 5

Little Longies

I've been working on a pattern for some little long pants and have finally finished a couple of pairs.

This first pair is a size 1 and made from 100% man-made crap ;)
makes them a bit more wash and wear.

and the second pair, a beautiful, soft 100% wool in size 0
I love the colours in these ones.


Anne said...

Very cute...:)

I wish I could crochet. I just can't seem to get past a chain stitch..:)

Kimmie said...

Gorgeous Ariad :]

nocton4 said...

those are wonderful xx

Kel said...

They are FAB Ariad!

I've been wanting to make some pure wool ones for Keanu to wear over his little undies when we are out. I've heard that wool is really absorbent ... which would be very useful for the EC fail moments LOL!!

Ariad said...

I'll try to get around to writting the pattern out Kel...might take busy and tired

Ariella said...

I have a weakness for pretty longies like this! My daughter has quite the stash. You did a wonderful job mama, just beautiful.

Kelly said...

Really cute longies. Nothing as sweet as babes in longies. You are such a talented crocheter.

majikfaerie said...

oh lovely! pity they don't come in adults size 10 green ;)

Linda said...

Those longies are wonderful! I love the colours:)

Ariad said...

oh, adult size 10 green...;)

karisma said...

They both look gorgeous! Beautiful colours!

Luscious Lea said...

Another lovely creation! Wish I could crochet like that

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