
Saturday, December 13

Dwellings and dreams

I got all nostalgic today and pulled out some old photos. I came across some pics of houses we have lived in.

My dream is to oneday build our own funky little shack.

Ooooh, I loved some of these places.

The 'Top' House - Up the Hill
Yep, that was the address!

The dome House

The Dome -this was our bedroom. It's sort of a concrete igloo. Best bedroom I've ever had.

The 'Old school house' - on an old commune, this building was the school.

And my favouite of all

We lived in our little bus for about two years and the saying that home is where the heart is really applied here. Or maybe that should be 'home is where the bus is!'

And because I loved it sooo much some more pics of the bus...

This one is not the bus but we went here when we were travelling.

Zan and Rain at Old Parliament House Canberra
My dream is to one day build our own funky little shack.


Amber said...

What a life. Some awsome places there.
Great pics..xx

Anonymous said...

Hi, over from Amber's blog.

What an adventure! Love the school.

Anonymous said...

Hey! That's my dream, too! To build our own funky little shack! I prefer to call it a cabin, though. hehe, semantics.

Jodi said...

oh wow, amazing abodes. You are so lucky to have lived in those places. Amazing!

karisma said...

Cool abodes, I love bussy the best. Thats my dream to travel around and make home where the bus is! Sounds wonderful.

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